Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bingo Trivia Galore

Bingo is fun, entertaining and rewarding. Below is a collection of bingo trivia that you will surely like. Read on…

• There is a big chance of winning in bingo, in fact 95% of bingo players have won a game at least once.

• Even young generations enjoy bingo in fact 30% of bingo players are under the age of 35.

• Online bingo players are mostly female. The percentage is roughly 70% female while men comprise the remaining 30%.

• Bingo was originally known as 'beano' because players originally use beans to mark their scores.

• The largest bingo game ever played has 60,000 players!

• Land-based bingo halls employ thousands of people worldwide. You can apply as bingo callers, bingo spotters, bingo cashiers, and bingo operators.

• It only takes 3-6 minutes to finish an average bingo game.

• According to one calculation, there are approximately 552,446,474,061,128,648,601,600,000 (five hundred fifty-two septillion, four hundred forty-six sextillion, four hundred seventy-four quintillion, sixty-one quadrillion, one hundred twenty-eight trillion, six hundred forty-eight billion, six hundred one million, six hundred thousand) possible arrangements of the numbers on a bingo card.

• Bingo contributes largely to charities and social organizations in Europe and North America.

• Bingo is the key source of community fundraising in most counties.

• Bingo received the second highest number of votes to be the national past time of Belgium.

• NFL games’ greatest competition in terms of attendees is bingo.

1 comment:

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